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Deploying InvenTree

There are multiple methods to deploy InvenTree. The most popular methods (supported by the development team) are listed below:


InvenTree supports a simple containerized installation via docker. An official docker image is provided with regular updates.

Docker Guide

Refer to the docker installation guide for more information


We provide a single-line installer that enables a quick installation and updates using the packager manager.


InvenTree can be installed on FreeBSD using AppJail. An AppJail Makejail is provided with regular updates.

Cloud Install

A member of the team provides a 1-click app for InvenTree on the DigitalOcean marketplace.

Bare Metal Install

A bare metal installation guide is provided for users who are looking for a low-level or custom installation.

Advanced Users Only

The bare metal installation is recommended only for advanced users, if any of the above deployment options are not sufficient

Other Options

The core InvenTree server is built using the widely used python-based framework Django. Therefore there are deployment methods for nearly all platforms and architectures.